
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

4 Prep Steps to NaNo

The other day I mentioned how I planned to participate this year. *fingers crossed*

For some of you, NaNo is new. Maybe you've heard about it but never actually attempted to tackle this month long endeavor. In fact, I have a dear friend who has tried but because she's so awesome with all her contracts, she has to set the NaNo aside and work on something else. And these things happen. Not to me... but they happen! (I think I've convinced her this year!!!)

So, for those that are wanting to participate, here are a few steps to get you ready.

1. Get Registered.
Visit and get signed up. It's super easy. In fact, I just updated my status to my newest project.

2. Get Connected.
Once you are registered, you can connect with others. But if you are not sure if you want to be all out there, you can always hit up Twitter and search our hashtags. Keep a watchful eye out for the #1k1hr tags for 1000 words in 1 hour. I love these little speedy exercised.

3. Game Planning.
So basically, you need to write like 1,333 words a day for the entire month to meet the 50K goal. Easy-peasy! But, we all have lives. In fact, I have 3 kids, 1 husband and a household to manage. We are busy. In order to meet my goal, I need to establish how many words I can write each day. And yes, WRITE EACH DAY!

And if you haven't done so, I recommend an outline for your story. I'm more of a pantser but I like the idea of being a plotter. Having an outline will force me to also establish a word count goal for each day.

4. Scene Setting.
You know how you like to write so make sure you have surrounded yourself with all the tools, and snacks, to keep you motivate. Make sure your music list is updated if you're a music writer. Do you need chocolate to write those steamy romantic scenes, well stock up on Dove. You know yourself the best and whatever will keep you motivated and creative, get it!

These are just a few things that I use to keep me going. If you have questions, shoot. I'm here to help and connect! You can find me on the NaNo site at JenAndersonAuthor.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Here's a little ditty...

I have been a terrible person by not blogging and there is a reason. A boring reason so I shall create a better one!

I've been on sabbatical in Asia, scouring rice fields for the Fountain of Youth. While I will always look like I'm 16 (I was actually carded yesterday!) I fear the world does not benefit like I do from my Asian heritage, so I sought out the cure. For the world.

Alas, I have failed and the cosmetic industry is safe!

But seriously, I'm sorry for being away, but I'm back and I'm gearing up for NaNo!

Who's joining me this year?