
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Show me Your Irish!

Shamrock Graphics: Stained
I just got back from a weeklong vacation with my mother-in-law’s side of the family.   And they’re Irish (which means I’m Irish by association; this is important to remember later.).  Before I continue, I must point out that they aren’t your typical Irish family.  Sure they’re loud and passionate and always right but they don’t drink.  Except for the kids in my generation.  The adults are all non-drinkers.  So while the rest of us are stumbling around the adults sit back and laugh at us.  It’s a great time!
Let me back up a bit and offer some info.  We went to Ireland last year.  (If you haven’t gone you must.  It was absolutely beautiful and the history is amazing!)  During and after the trip, my kids are now super aware of everything Irish.  At least flag colors, certain words and possibly part of the culture.  So my kids are all excited about being part Irish and we all think that’s pretty cool.
So a few weeks before we went on vaca, we were at the pool and my son said “Hey Dad. You wanna see my Irish?”  I refrained from jumping up, rushing towards him with a towel to cover whatever he was calling his “Irish”.  The entire scene played out in my head in slow motion.  Instead, I turned my attention towards them in time to see my son lift his swimming trunk legs to expose his white as snow thighs.  We all laughed and thought he was gosh darn cute.  For the next couple of weeks, he’d continued his little bit.
Vaca time and I was chatting up my husband’s cousin who is also super proud of her Irish heritage.  My son again said to his cousin, “Hey you wanna see my Irish?”  Now, I was little more prepared and he showed her his thighs again which compared to his now tan skin was more white than before.  He then turned to me and said, “Mom.  Show me your Irish.”  Now I could’ve played dumb and been like I’m not Irish, but I just didn’t want to admit that (did you remember?)  Instead, I turned to him and said, “Mommy’s Irish is not something everyone should see.  It’s covered up.”  He then said, “Why?  Is it your butt?” 
How does this relate to writing?  Let me explain.  Writing is personal and very hard sometimes to show other people.  You work and work to make it just right but still, you’re never sure if it’s good enough.  Just like my Irish.  It’s personal and hidden and I work out to make it look good but never really sure.  (Is this a bit of stretch???)  I like to be as free as my son and show off my Irish all the time just like my writing.  I’m sure one day I’ll feel okay showing both whenever asked.
So I ask you.  Show me your Irish!

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