
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I feel old

You know you've said it. Heck, I think it's my daily mantra. But lately, I'm really feeling it. Maybe it's my youngest turning 8 with my oldest on the brink of 11. Or I'm faced with a long, hot summer staying home with the kids (which I've never done). Or maybe it's being pregnant at 34 3/4 (I could round up but why?).

It's probably all 3.

Last night, I pulled myself from my chilly house and braved upper 90 degree temps to take a short walk (these days I'm lucky if I can move at all). While passing each house and huffing along, I couldn't help but think to myself, "I feel old." Like really old.

What am I going to do about it?

To start my day, I woke at 6:30 and dove into my part-time work. After more than 2 hours chugging away, I took a much needed reading break. I just glanced at the clock and noticed that I've been awake for 3 hours. My kids are fed, dressed and ready to go. My work is good for the day. I've done 2 loads of laundry, showered, primped and even found a minute to write this post. And through it all, not once have I thought how old I feel. Or tired. No. My remedy for the old lady blues is positive thoughts (since I can't drink myself into a stooper) and blind faith.

Maybe, if I don't acknowledge it, it won't feel so real.

What do you do to combat feeling old?

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