
Friday, November 8, 2013

The Naked Truth

Today, I was featured on STL Live, a local government funded cable station featuring St. Louis happenings. A fellow author and STLer, Holly Gilliatt, and I are doing a joint signing this Saturday at All on The Same Page.

For a few weeks, Holly and I discussed outfits and make-up, hoping we didn't look washed out or too big to be on TV! Plus, we didn't want our clothes to clash.

In order to make sure I had the right make-up and enough time to get my face on today, I prepped last night, looking more like a call girl than the stay-at-home mom face I normally wear. The entire experience has been rather revealing and not in the good, sexy way.

I'm 36 years old, a fact I normally forget. So I'm not old but I'm no spring chicken, either. I learned that the creases in my forehead are profound. I have crows feet and bags with bags beneath my eyes! Traits I never thought I was inflicted with. When asked what I'd fix about myself, I'd say my weight or the fact I don't have a butt. Now, I'm adding several more items to the list.

Would I take back the interview? No. Would I try to put on my make-up with my eyes closed? Maybe!

Have you ever done something and thought, "Holy crap. I look like that?"

If you'd like to watch my video, check-it out on YouTube. *closes eyes*

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